Unlock Thoughts and start building strong foundation from early age

 Unlock thoughts!!

No special preparation for IIT OR any challenge ahead !! Apply thoughts at early age to crack any challenges ahead.

  • Avoid Race
  • Healthy competition
  • Create ideas
  • Make mistakes and restart
  • Create problems
  • Provide your own solution.
  • No formulas only concepts.
  • Fearless minds
  • Learn from your surroundings
  • Be original
  • Be a Leader

The idea of learning lies in how much you enjoy it. Does it tickle to think little bit ahead with your learnings ? Are you unbound to syllabus/text books in your learning ? Are you able to create a new problem statements with your learnings ? are you able to see the gap that you could fill with your learnings ? do you fear performance in assessments ? The answer to all this lies in how much you have enjoyed your learnings.

Learning should not be bound to text book/Syllabus


Why should a topic look boring or tough ? The simple answer is that we have not enjoyed it ever. Why do kids enjoy open fields or parks with the friends than a closed administered space ? The simple answer is that they make mistakes and learn to get up. When a free space is given to kids, they create an environment for themselves where thoughts are unleashed. Mistakes do happen time and again but the learning comes from mistakes made. Thats how we learn to walk/talk. Why is that space snatched once we enter academics ? Because of the fear of performance ?

Performance comes from how much you have learnt in real. Learning in real means not restricting to text book or tackling few problem from the text book. Learning means picking it from the surroundings and observing how much maths and science we are applying in our daily lives. Learn from those observation and then refer the text books for generalising or standardising the learning.

Learn to question and reason


What should your mind do when you hear about something that you have experienced but never observed keenly. The curious mind will quickly start questioning. Lot of questions will start cropping up and we start thinking in many different ways to a given scenario. Another big thing is how to validate the thoughts related to the issue. Reasoning and Questioning will help reaching arriving at the solution. Reasoning and questioning is a slow process and needs to be practiced over a period of time to happen. Once kids have started reasoning/questioning by themselves, they need coaches only for references and not for spoon feeding. That’s what we need in a competitive world.

Healthy competition


Healthy competition is where we are competing with ourselves for progressive gain. Sharpening our reasoning skills and designing our set of questions for a given challenge, will make us better day-by-day. These habits of reasoning and questioning need to be practiced from a very early stage so that we are ready to face real life challenges at the right time.

Analysing the issues with the participants


Role of a coach at every stage of learning is to keep observing the strength and weaknesses of the participant in a learning process. Strengths are termed as comfortable learning and weakness are termed as confused state. There is nothing called easy or difficult. Anything that puts us into confused state is difficult. So, what is confusing us - 

  • is it the language of the problem statement ?
  • Is it the twisted language that is confusing ?
  • Is it the concept that is not understood well ?
  • Is it confusing the identify the topics that make a problem statement ?
  • Is it the fear that is keeping us at a distance ? 

Who could benefit ?


No one is dumb or brilliant. All are gifted equally. It could be the right kind of exposure for some and not for others that could make the difference. Those willing to learn in a rightful way without bothering being in a race will benefit.

About myself


Ive graduated from NIT Nagpur in 1994. later pursued M. Tech from IIT Bombay but dropped after third semester because of personal reasons. Since 1996, I’ve seen working as a software engineer in telecom/networking domain in different companies like LnT, sun Micro Systems and  Juniper networks. Ive a book in my name on Linux networking stack 

and around 12 US patents(few granted and rest applied).  My LinkedIn profile -


My publications:



A batch of minimum 5 and maximum 8 participants for class 6th/7th/8th/9th/10th(separate batches) 90 minutes each on Saturday(maths) and Sunday(physics/chemistry topics). There will be one extra 1 hour session on each Wednesday for discussions on the doubts. All topics of maths/physics/chemistry will be covered as per course curriculum but not bound to the text book. The nature of the sessions is such that any topic may take longer time to completely touch all the corners. good amount of questions from ASSET/Olympiads will be discussed post completion of each topic. It is certainly going to cross academic year. I am planning to continue the activity post academic year. The idea here is to make the subject interesting with a purpose.

Sessions: 4 hours in a week(16 hours monthly)

Fees: 20K(INR) per month.

Anything that takes more than 4 hours a week will not be charged. Keeping it to minimal to avoid loading kids. But yes, it they enjoy the session, they won't feel exhausted :) Since I will be taking the session personally, number of batches will be restricted to 2. 

Prices are slightly on the higher side I understand. But the nature of learning process is very different from the conventional ways. Be assured.

for details contact: sameer.seth18@gmail.com

We must be forced to think. why do we need to have foundation to be built at 6th standard when first crucial exam in ones life is Xth board exam ?

By the time we reach 9th standard, we are ready to take up bigger challenges fearlessly as we have enjoyed basic fundamentals. If the foundation is not enough strong, we have to slow down to create that spark needed to take up the challenges ahead. Those who have enjoyed the learning in their strengthening period of 6th, 7th and 8th are ready to avail the opportunity. 9th and 10th should be considered as time to understand the basics of competitive world and how to take on the world enjoying the competitive environment. The idea is to enjoy the learn and at any point in time learning should not be burden.

Does learning math and science mean you are going to become engineer or doctor ?

It is a big misunderstanding that the students having good understanding of math and science are going to pursue engineering/medical stream. When we learn anything with a purpose, the learning adds value. You reason out each and every bit that comes across you that leads to curiosity to know more. You learn to imagine, reason out and verify your reasoning. If this is practiced at a very early stage, we are well prepared mentally to take up the challenges at the right time.  

Foundation levels:

6th, 7th and 8th grades are foundation for higher secondary(9th and 10th). Higher secondary(9th, 10th) is about setting foundation for senior secondary (11th and 12th) and senior secondary is about setting foundation  for the competitive world. Learning at any level is just about setting foundation for the next level. Learning maths and science should be fun and not a burden to score high percentages. You exercise your brain functions and focal point not necessary to become engineer or a doctor :)

A small example that triggers the thought process - 

For example, when we are learning forces and its effect, we will experience that a body will remain in its current state until and unless it experiences external force. If a body is at rest starts moving on its own, what is that event that triggered the external force on the body ? what is that invisible force and how did it get triggered ? have we tilted the surface on which the object was resting ? or we have pushed the object little bit such that it starts rolling down the slant surface ? have we put on the fan that creates strong wind to move the object ? Ok, if we know the trigger, the next level of curiosity will force us to think what is that invisible force that exists but not seen. We can then connect with gravity, wind, friction and many other concepts that exists around and we experience it in our day to day lives but have never connected with science.

How to introduce variables in maths -

To make it easy for the new learners to visualise how to see the mathematics calculation work, working with variables much easier. For example, if the sum of ages of the two siblings is 10, age of one of the sibling is 4. What is the age of the other sibling.

information provided:

age of two siblings = 10

age of one sibling  = 4

how to go ahead from here ? for a fresh curious mind, some permutation combination will be going on. let them try -

4 + 1 = 5

4 + 2 = 6

4 + 3 = 7

4 + 4 = 8

4 + 5 = 9

4 + 6 = 10

omg!! I just cracked it. The answer is 6. The age of the other sibling is 6. 

well done!!

Now, if I make the numbers little bigger -

Two siblings together have Rs. 999 /-. It is found that one of the siblings has Rs. 243. How much does the other one have ?

just imagine the number of combinations the curious mind has to perform.

Lets ask and let them come up with something. There may be few iterations of thinking and validating the thoughts.

Since, they are not introduced to variables, it may be little far fetched to get it from them.

To clear the confusion, lets safely assume the money with each sibling.


let one sibling has Rs.   x 

let other sibling has Rs. y

process the information:

Since sum of the money with the siblings = Rs. 999 /- ..............(1)

sum of the money with the sibling = x + y           .........................(2)

from 1 and 2, 

x + y = 999                                                           ..........................(3)

We also know that one of the siblings has Rs. 243.      ................(4)

lets assume that this sibling has Rs. x.                          ................(5)

from 4 and 5, we can have -

x = 243                                                                   .......................(6)

From  3 and 6, we substitute the value of x from 6 to 3 -

243 + y = 999

the above linear algebraic expression could be solved by balancing left and right hand side of sign "="

243 +y -243 = 999 -243

y = 999 - 243

y= 756


Y is the money with the other sibling. So, the other sibling has Rs. 756.

The above steps are just for understanding the significance of working with variables and hence the algebraic expressions.

Lets see how combinations and probability could be understood at early stage.....

Cracking any competitive exam in todays competitive world is associated with the word difficulty. If we convert this difficulty into an interesting and challenging opportunity, there will be shift in the mindset to think otherwise. We start special preparations for JEE, NEET, IIM only after certain age and with the mind set that it is something scary and god knows what. But if we have the mind set of treating difficulty as a challenging opportunity right from very early age, we will be in the same mindset for rest of our lives. We will start loving opportunities and challenges and hence high thinking.

It is about pushing them to think, not to think hard for them. let them cook, it may not come out good initially.

I'll keep updating the ideas as and when I get time. Parents and young minds should try to understand that we need to love the difficulty rather than running away from them. Because there is nothing called difficult. small and very simple things together make a very complex system. We should just know how to break a complex looking opportunity into simple and smaller steps and then join them together to get the solution 😍 scare away the difficulty as there is nothing like one. Try this on your own and see how it works. Working with me is not important, parents could spend some quality time with the young ones to practice this and see how it works 💪

Learning should be a wonderful and exciting experience. Assignments should not only contain practicing few exercises. There has to be presentations on the topics of your choice on timely basis. Once in a while there has to be teaching in the opposite direction. building real time working models based on the conceptual learning and actually see things working.


  1. Excellent initiate Sameer Sir, I strongly believe that next generation has a lot to learn from you.

    1. thanks for the encouraging words!! But I feel reverse. If you wish to give something, it should only be "the art of questioning and reasoning" such that they take over the discussions and you just participate :)


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